Mimic (Meaningful Music in Health Care), originated as a collaborative research project from the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) and the Lectorate Lifelong Learning in Music (LLM) in the Hanze University Groningen. The research consisted of the development of a new practice for professional musicians, the development of a new training program for music students as well as numerous strands of research that focussed on patients, staff and musicians, conducted by both institutes. See Projects for more information.

University Medical Center Groningen

Looking at different systematic reviews of scientific literature, it has been shown that music can have a positive effect on patient recovery following an operation. These studies have mostly concerned the effects of music on pain perception and anxiety. The majority of reviews however, consist of studies done with recorded music rather than music performed live.

The UMCG’s research inquires what live music can contribute to the recovery of patients following an operation.

Before, during and after a musical intervention, the patient’s pain, anxiety, stress, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing is measured. A control group is measured under the same circumstances, but without any musical intervention.

In addition to patients, the nursing staff make up a large component of this project.

The primary results are promising. There is a clear confirmation that music, in this case live music, has a positive effect on the recovery of patients following an operation. Furthermore, it has been shown that music can provide an additional, positive dimension to interactions between patients and staff.

The research in the UMCG was conducted by dr. Barbara van Leeuwen, oncological surgeon, prof. dr. Erik Heineman, Professor of Surgery and former Head of Surgery at UMCG, and drs. Hanneke van der Wal- Huisman, nurse researcher. You can find more info at www.chirurgischeoncologieumcg.nl/meaningful-music-in-healthcare and www.umcg.nl

Lectorate Lifelong Learning in Music

The Lectorate focussed on research in developing a new practice for musicians.

By analyzing observations carried out during projects and interviews with MiMiC musicians, the lectorate looked at the interactions between musicians, patients and nursing staff. By interviewing the nursing staff, research was carried out on the efficacy of this practice for the staff who were present during projects. MiMiC can provide moments of calm in what is mostly a hectic work environment. Nurses expressed that they experienced more intense and meaningful contact with their patients due to the musical interactions with the effects lasting longer than the sessions themselves.

The research in the Lectorate was conducted by teacher-researchers Karolien Dons, PhD and Krista de Wit (née Pyykönen, MMusEd, MMus), and prof. dr. Rineke Smilde, lector Lifelong Learning in Music.

On the 8th of December 2017, the research results from both institutes were presented during a symposium at the Prince Claus Conservatoire in Groningen. You can find more information about the research, as well as about all activities of the Lectorate, at www.lifelonglearninginmusic.org

Click here to download the Lectorate’s brochure about Meaningful Music in Health Care (PDF)

Would you like more information? Are you interested in Mimic in your organization? Don’t hesitate to contact us!